4 Conditions that ‘Freelancers’ need to fulfill to apply for a loan.

🧑‍💻 The number of freelancers is steadily increasing. However, many are still unsure about how to successfully secure a loan to buy a condominium while working as a freelancer. Today, Wise Spin shares ‘4 Key Techniques for Freelancers to Successfully Apply for a Condo Loan’, eliminating any worries you may have! 📌 Technique 1: Fully declare your income for tax purposes each year. It is crucial for freelancers to retain and submit Form Ph.Ng.D. 90 along with receipts from the last 2-3 years. This documentation enables banks to verify your income sources clearly, which simplifies the transaction process. 📌 Technique […]


February 24, 2023

Who is eligible for a joint lone application

1.For co-borrowing with a spouse or life partner, both those who are legally married and those who are not can apply. However, those who aren’t legally married must present proof to the bank, such as wedding photos or a daily record from a police station indicating cohabitation as husband and wife. If the couple has children, a copy of the household registration showing both partners’ names can be submitted as evidence. Approval depends on the individual bank’s policy. 2.Nowadays, LGBTQ+ couples can apply for joint loans! This marks a step towards equality in financial documentation processes. The specific requirements for […]


February 24, 2023


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